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Atelier "Be LInKEDin" à Londres

 In today’s hyperconnected world, if sending out CVs remains – and rightly so – the norm it still does require a lot of work whilst being very much hit and miss… So – wouldn’t it be great if you could complement this active “CV push” strategy with a simple yet efficient “contact pull” one that would allow you to receive highly targeted calls for job interviews from the comfort of your chair?

Too good to be true?  It is not – it is called LINKEDIN….

Come and see how at this event :

"Be LInKEDin" 

Wednesday 20th April 2016, 7.00 pm – 9.00 pm
at ESCP Europe London campus*

Gael de Kerdanet
Digital marketing strategist,
LinkedIn Expert,
Founder of CarpeDiem QM and co-founder of BOL UK


- 7.30 pm: Turning job search on its head – the LInKEDIn principle
We’ll mix theory and practice within a highly interactive discussion so as to help you understand why looking for a job in 2016 is much more about how to be found than how to search. The takeaway? Following this two hours session, understanding the new Job Search Paradigm Shift will have no more secret for you, and you’ll have all the principles that will help you optimize your LinkedIn profile turning it into a highly efficient jobs lead generation machine…

- 8.30 pm: Q&A session

Fees: 15£ for members, 30£ for non members

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Mercredi 20 avril 2016
07h00 - 09h00
ESCP Europe London campus
527 Finchley Road NW3 7BG (Finchley Road station or buses 13, 82 or 113)
  • 15 € Diplômés membres

  • 30 € Diplômés non membres

Inscriptions closes

ESCP Europe London campus

527 Finchley Road NW3 7BG (Finchley Road station or buses 13, 82 or 113)

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Mercredi 20 avril 2016
07h00 - 09h00
ESCP Europe London campus
527 Finchley Road NW3 7BG (Finchley Road station or buses 13, 82 or 113)
  • 15 € Diplômés membres

  • 30 € Diplômés non membres

Inscriptions closes
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